All our projects focus on those in the world's who have least access to Good News. Almost three billion have never had the opportunity to hear of Christ. No one has told them. Many live in increasingly post-Christian regions where the reality of a saving Gospel has all but vanished.
Have a look at our Features page for some latest reports.
Europe’s refugees may have hit the headlines but they are just a few of the world’s 65 million displaced and scattered peoples.
Platform 67 partners with excellent, hands-on ministries to bring gospel light to those moving around our increasingly borderless world.
We want everyone to have access to God’s Word.
We help where it is difficult to obtain Bibles, among non-literates, the visually-impaired, mobile phone users, new churches and even non-believers discovering who God is and what He says in a language they understand.
Digital technology is making gospel-witness possible everywhere.
Internet radio, social media and mobiles are great ways to reach large numbers of people who need to hear and understand the Good News.
Considered response to human tragedy ought to be a trademark of Christian compassion. There are many needs.
We love to help practically the very least privileged. Choose a hands-on project to help forge relationships, create opportunities and lavish generous love on the world’s less privileged.
We are determined to ensure the Good News is heard everywhere.
Partnering with humble preachers and itinerant workers with local accountability, languages and cultural awareness, we prioritise those regions where there are few or no churches.
With more than 200 spoken languages and 800 million people, it seems impossible to reach the 99% of Europeans who have no meaningful relationship with Jesus.
Among the many opportunities, work in Greece among university students, as well as ministry to the poor in Athens, opens the door for Christian witness.
This, and other fantastic, locally-led ministries have emerged in disinterested communities. We want to encourage Europeans to live Godly lives and witness in their own cultures.
Donations are used 100% as designated with nothing deducted for administration or fundraising.
As you think about the best way to give to Platform 67, please consider a gift to our “Where Most Needed” fund. It enables us to cover overheads and to allocate funds to those projects in greatest need at any given time.
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